10th 東大杯
Why do you deliver the speech?
To give a new idea to the audience.
Why am I angry?
“Joy, Anger, Sadness, and Fear.” These are the basic four feelings that we all have in common. Among four of them, there is one feeling, which is really close to us and hard to control. That is “Anger”. Anger is the most harmful feeling if we handle it in a wrong way. Compared with other three feelings, Anger has an aggression and bad influence on other people. In our daily life, it is unavoidable to face “Anger”: we feel anger, get angered, or happen to make people angry.
I’m not an exception. When I went to a family trip last summer, I got scolded from my father unreasonably. At the most enjoyable lunch buffet, I chose all the food I liked, and brought them back to my seat proudly. Then, my father strongly said to me “Hey, you brought back too much food! You can’t eat them all. Go back and return it!” Isn’t he crazy? That’s against the law! And why did I have to get yelled at? After that moment, my attitude become worse, and it made the family atmosphere bad moreover. But later, I regretted about myself, and came to think how I could deal with my short-tempered father better.
Ladies and gentlemen, please imagine. What if you could understand and manage the troublesome feeling, “Anger”? Your life will be much more comfortable! Today, I am here to let you realize about the feeling “Anger”. After this speech, you could magically calm down each time you face “Anger” and get along well with it.
In this stressful society, there is always a chain of anger. For example, suppose there is a man who is stressed with his work and brings his anger home. How would his wife feel? Maybe she also feels irritated and takes her anger out on her child. Then, the child feels like “Huh?” and brings the anger school, and bullies a weak child. The bullied child feels stressful, so later at home, she would definitely say to her father like “Hey dad, don’t send me a friend request on a facebook, ok?” What is next? The bullied child’s father carries his shock to the workplace and get irritated easily to his workers, or show bad attitude to a shop clerk. This chain of anger would last forever. We are unconsciously in the chain of anger even if we do not realize it.
If we cannot control the anger, what will happen? Of course I know that some people are really mild and usually don’t get angry. But all of you here, can you imagine what will you do once you felt violent anger and reached to the boiling point? There is a possibility that you run into impulsive action. According to the Anger Management Association, people cannot calm down and tend to make a wrong decision by anger. Physical punishment, domestic violence, and even murder are the worst outcomes. We lose everything just by anger: Job, human-relationship, and even our precious ones.
Then, why do people get angry? Well, we don’t get angry without a reason. There is always some sort of event that happens right before we get angry. Typically, people think that their anger is caused by these situations and they say things like, "I got mad because that lady cut into the line" or "That guy made me so mad." However, according to the anger researcher Ryan Martin, our anger occurs inside of us. We tend to blame other people, but you, yourself is the reason why you are angry. Let’s think about this in more detail.
When you have already finished your work and people around you were so noisy, I guess you don’t care that much. However, when you are still working and concentrating, you might be irritated by the noisy people. In both situations, there are noisy people, but your way of thinking differs on how you take the event. Events are just events. Your anger will occur when you give meaning to the event as “wrong thing” or “something that you can not allow”.
So, ladies and gentlemen, here is a fantastic way to deal with your anger. Do we have to do training like a monk? No. Just ask to yourself “Why am I angry?” Simple enough, right? But this will make you calm down and save you from taking an impulsive action. If you think “Why am I angry?” you could find out why the irritating event is happening. In addition, your anger feeling may mostly disappear if you try to think the event from a different point of view. What is more, surprisingly, NAVY and MARINE CORPS PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER shows that the peak of our anger ends in “6 seconds”. It means, during the time you are thinking “Why am I angry?” 6 seconds will automatically pass and your anger will gradually fade away. So, at the time you felt anger for something, please just ask yourself “Why am I angry?” and make it through “6 seconds”.
After I tried to ask myself “Why am I angry?”, I could calm down and come to think from different aspects even to my father’s unreasonable words. Now I can think like this; “Maybe he is angry because he worries about me so much.” This really worked well, and I could successfully reduce my stress.
Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd president of the United States once said, “When angry, count to ten before you speak; if very angry, count to one hundred.” He also noticed the importance of cooling down. You can think out what you need or want to say just by asking to yourself “Why am I angry?” So, my dear fellow audience, to make our life more comfortable, let’s start from asking to ourselves “Why am I angry?”